Wild Spirits Coaching

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“All Art Is Quite Useless” - And Should Be!


The above is a fairly well-known quote by Oscar Wilde. I often see it used or interpreted as a kind of joke, and I don’t think that’s what it is at all. 

In fact, it’s not just art that’s useless, but also music, writing, and a number of other passions, I’d argue. Your mission today is to learn why this is a good thing, and how to cultivate it.


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Task 1: Why useless?

You could argue that art, music, literature etc. educate, make people think and make them feel. All these are good things, right?

True, but it’s not a practical use. It doesn’t feed anyone or put a roof over their heads. An artist who sells their art, may do these things, and artists absolutely should be paid, and better than they usually are.

But the value of art is not practical, and that’s exactly why our society often has trouble paying our artists a living. We’re taught to value things that have a monetary or a practical use.

Art doesn’t, and that’s the best thing about it.

Task 2: Cultivate “uselessness”

We need things in our lives that aren’t of practical use. Back in the 19th century, people were excited about the advances in technology, manufacturing and the new inventions. In their enthusiasm, many determined that a good story should have a moral lesson to it, a piece of music should be a description of a picture, and art in general educate the mind and bolster morals.

By the end of the century, people such as Wilde had had enough of this utalitarian approach to all life and reclaimed art for itself. This is the context of the above quote.

It turns out that for our mental health and our general happiness, it’s vitally important for us to have things in our life that don’t serve a practical purpose. We’re not meant to just work, eat, sleep… We’re here to feel joy, love, delight, excitement.

This is why I promote prioritising your passion(s). It’s a much-needed counterweight in our money oriented world. Dare to prioritise something that does nothing but give you joy. It’ll revolutionise your life.