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How To Deal With Multiple Passions


Having and following one true passion in life still seems to be the ideal. However, more people than ever are realising that not everyone fits the mold. Many – myself included – are so-called scanners or multi-passionates, and we have a lot of different things we’re enthusiastic about.

The challenge seems to be how to juggle them all. Life is stressful as it is – how can you possibly fit in all your passions? And what should you do for a living?

Your mission today is to learn how you can deal with multiple passions.

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Task 1: Find the common thread

At first glance, your passions might look like they’re completely unrelated. Mine include literature, dancing, traditional archery, music, nature and earth-based spirituality, historical swordfighting, piano, people and communication. Uff!

To start making heads and tails of it all, write down all your passions, or as many as you can think of. Then try to find common threads and group them accordingly. For example, one of my passion groups is music, dancing, and the piano. Play detective and find common themes.

Task 2: Deal with multiple passions in life and work

First of all, you will have heard me say that there’s no need to turn your passion into your source of income. However, it’s nice to work on something that’s meaningful to you.

Therefore, look at your “common themes” and find work that matches one of these themes. For example, with my love for people and communication, I used to work in customer service. I loved it and was good at it, because my customers felt I truly cared about them.

For your personal time, pick two or a maximum of three passions to focus on at any one time. It doesn’t mean the others are no longer important, it only means that for now, you’ll focus on whatever “buzzes” most for you. In a few months, you can review and if necessary, change what you focus on.

This keeps you sane and makes it all the more satisfying to do the things that light you up.