About me
My name is Sibylle (pronouns: she/her)
I live an enchanted life in Croatia, one of the most beautiful countries I know. It’s also my fifth country! I only moved here in 2020, after spending most of my adult life in my soul’s home, Ireland.
“Coach”? How cheesy does that sound?!
Well, if you prefer, I’m an agent of change.
What I do best is fall in love with people and bring them in touch with their passion(s) and their unique life purpose. At some point I realised that Coaching makes great use of this gift. I started studying and got my Coaching qualification* and have worked with clients from all over the world ever since.
*Advanced Diploma in Personal and Executive Coaching:
Recognised by the ICF (International Coach Federation)
Accredited by the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
Fully Accredited by the International Institute of Coaching
Endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)
FETAC Level 6
If you’d like to learn more about me, here’s a bit of background:
My Story
I grew up in a conventional workers family, the youngest of four children. There was never much money, holidays meant visiting my grandparents, and my biggest adventure was the horseriding camp I went to when I was 10 (check out the picture below!). The first person from my family to go to and finish university, I was never very money oriented.
Honestly, nobody had ever taught me about money or how to manage it. In my early 30s, I stumbled into starting a business in the wellness industry, which actually went quite well at first. Then I tripped myself up: A disastrous relationship years earlier came back to haunt me. I struggled with depression and the business went down the drain, leaving me with personal debts.
The Dark Years
Ashamed of myself and terribly lonely, I set out to learn about finances. I also moved to Ireland and got a well-paid job because I was determined to pay back what I owed. What followed were hard years of not allowing myself any “luxury” (even things like going to a cafe), until I achieved my goal: Paying back every cent of my debts. I also studied for and obtained my Coaching diploma and began coaching a few private clients on the side.
By that time, I was burnt out from working all hours and never allowing myself any fun. I was - and still am - proud of getting out of my financial mess, but the price was high: I had lost contact with most of my friends (it got so embarrassing to always say no to going out and doing things, I ended up distancing myself).
I had some healing to do, so I quit the soul-eating job, got a much nicer work-from-home role and moved back to the West of Ireland. There, I consciously took things slowly, reconnected with old friends and made new ones, and discovered the power of pursuing what lights me up. I went all-in on my multiple passions and was ridiculously happy. Every day was an adventure, and the change in me was so profound, so startling, I decided to pass on my insights to my clients.
Lessons Learned
In 2016, I changed my business’s name to Wild Spirits Coaching, to reflect what I had discovered. From then on, I focused on supporting clients in making time for themselves and for their passions / hobbies / interests and discovering their life purpose, the way I had. I love seeing the transformations during my 5-month program, how unrecognisably radiant my clients become, and how exuberantly happy.
My Coaching business grew and eventually I went full-time. I gave up my job at Christmas 2019, moved to the sunny mediterranean and have been self-employed ever since. My life is slow, there is space, rest, but also so much excitement and joy! I use my time intentionally these days, and the priorities are joy and fulfilment.
Everyone deserves to experience this. It’s our sacred birthright.