Personal, tailored 1-on-1 Coaching

The Magic of Purpose

A natural still life of three stacked pebbles and a white-pink blossom on a mossy tree trunk, with an old-looking key on top of the pebbles.

A life you love waking up to every morning

I had a long conversation with a work colleague last night who isn't very happy at the moment, and I sat there and realised how far I've come over the last few months. I remember feeling like that, powerless and fed up!!! I mean WOW I feel totally different these days. I realised work isn't eating into the rest of my life anymore. I’m loving the way things are going in my life!!!


A hand full of sand that's pouring through the fingers. The blurry background shows a beach and the sea at sunset.

If you’ve experienced any (or all) of the following:

  • Autopilot,

  • Pulled in all directions,

  • Never-ending tasks, chores, to-do lists,

  • Fulfilling everybody’s expectations,

  • Wondering when it’ll be your turn,

  • Feeling you can’t take a break until it’s all done,

  • When you do have “free time”: too tired or numb to do anything joyful (and thinking you’re lazy),

Portrait of Sibylle indoors

…and if you’re longing for:

  • ease,

  • joy,

  • moments of stillness,

  • gratitude,

  • a slower, more intentional life,

  • abundant energy to do the things you love,

A sunset over Kvarner Bay

…then we need to talk.

I work with women just like you, using science-based, proven coaching techniques that empower you to:

  • simplify and prioritise your life,

  • identify your personal energy source,

  • overcome blocks, learn boundaries and say No,

  • create time and headspace for yourself and your passions/hobbies,

  • find your life purpose and align your life with it.

Sibylle on a walk, in the background a wintery-bare field and blue skies

What is The Magic of Purpose?

  • 5 months.

  • 10 intensive, private (1:1) Coaching sessions via Zoom.

  • Tailored to your individual situation and needs.

  • Email support.

  • Accountability.

  • Progress Tracker, workbooks and other materials.

Your investment: 1800 EUR

Sign up for The Magic of Purpose

Below, you can schedule a free chat with me. We’ll meet up on Zoom and find out whether the program is a good fit for you.

Good to know:

Why the focus on passions?
Of course your job is important, and so are your loved ones. But your passions or hobbies are your own. They’re a source of joy that nobody can take from you, and help shift the focus on you and what you love and want.

How does signing up work?
Schedule a free chat with me in the calendar below. We’ll make sure the program is suitable for you and clarify any questions you might have. There’ll be no hard selling! We’re both old enough to know what we want.

Money-back Guarantee:
Up to and including the first Coaching session, you can cancel and I will refund you your payment (minus banking or PayPal fees, if applicable).

What if you just don’t know what your passion is?

Or maybe you have too many interests and can’t decide which one to pursue?

Gain clarity in an incredibly affordable, 1:1 session - Find Your Passion.

Learn more

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