The Problem With “Do What You Love”


“I don’t think there’s really anything I love doing.” This is something I hear much more frequently than I’d like to in the course of my work. It’s also not true. In fact, nobody who ever said this to me, actually didn’t have anything they loved.

They just didn’t know about it.

Your mission today is to learn why it can be hard to find your passion, and how to get past this.

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Task 1: Do what you love – how??

I’m one of those people who will tell you to do what you love, and do lots of it. And really, it seems to be everywhere. Follow your bliss! Pursue your passion!

The problem is that we live in a world that drills us to function. Our brains are laser focused on things that are practical, that help us get ahead and/or make money.

Given this focus, is it any wonder that you feel like a deer caught in the headlights when someone suddenly turns around and asks you what you love doing? How the heck are you supposed to know? It’s never been important before!

Task 2: How to move past this

At this point, I’m tempted to tell you to take two heaping spoonfuls of don’t give a sh*t every day for three weeks. But we’re a social species and as such it’s deeply ingrained in our DNA to care about what others think.

One thing I tend to recommend to my clients is to research crazy hobbies. If nothing else, you’ll spend an entertaining hour or two on Google. At best, you’ll stumble on something that piques your interest.

So here’s my best advice in a nutshell:

  • Dare to be weird

  • Be prepared to try different hobbies

  • Approach things with a child-like wonder

  • Be silly – look for something that has absolutely no purpose at all

  • Have fun

It may take a while, but eventually something will emerge that makes you happy. It’ll be all your own, with no justification other than the fact that it gives you joy. That’s when you’ll know that you have found it.


Vlog: Berries For Supper


You’re A Mess? Good!