Finding Purpose in Life after 50 (3 Steps)
The second half of life is supposed to be easy: Careers have stabilised, children have left the house, finances are reliable, and life is good. Right?
But then why aren’t more people over 50 outrageously happy?
Why are they still stressed, burnt out – or the opposite, feeling empty and listless?
Why is life full of busy-ness and distractions, rather than meaning and joy?
Your mission today is to make an intentional change that’ll increase your happiness significantly.
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Background: Women over 50 in our world
I’ve lamented before that women in today’s perception have to be young, slim, pretty – oh, and white. Someone once said that women are told to be these things because we get powerful in the second half of our lives, and society fears nothing more than women who stand in their inner power.
Some feel empty because the children have left. Others have built careers and now wonder why they aren’t happier. Almost all of us are busy, but are we fulfilled?
Recognise that this is by design and that there’s nothing wrong with you. Your job is to stop giving a fuck.
Task: Step into your purpose
This isn’t a task you can do by watching a video or going on a weekend retreat. Like most things that are truly worth it, it consists of many small steps and consistent work.
If you’d like to truly transform your life with purpose, talk to me. Apart from that, here are three steps you can take today:
What’s important to you? Don’t think of what you “should” want; consult your inner feelings. Go on, nobody’s watching. Then look for ways to put these things front and center.
What gives you joy? This is not about work. In fact, try and find something utterly useless or embarrassing that makes you smile and feel blissful. Create space to do more of that.
Who lifts you up? What people in your life make you feel great every time you see them? Go and schedule a meet-up and suggest things to do together.
Save these questions and answer them for yourself every week. Observe what changes!
Here follows the exact transcript of everything that’s being said in the video. The same text is available as subtitles in the video itself (enable using the buttons on the bottom right).
Can you find and live your purpose in the second half of your life? -Absolutely.
Hello, welcome to this week's Wild Spirits News. My name is Sibylle, and I help women between 40 and 60 to do lots of what they love and to find their unique life purpose. If any of that sounds interesting, check out my website,
Today's topic is ‘Three steps to finding purpose in life over 50’. You see, the second half of our lives is supposed to be easy. Our careers have stabilized, the children have left the house, finances are more stable, life is good, right? But then why aren't more people over 50 outrageously happy? Why are we still stressed and burnt out - or the opposite, feeling a little empty and listless? Why are our lives full of busy-ness and distractions, rather than meaning and joy? Your mission today is to make an intentional change that will increase your happiness significantly.
The background to this is ‘Women over 50 in our world”. You've probably heard me lamenting before that women in our society are expected to be young, slim, conventionally pretty – and, oh, white. Someone once said that these expectations are brainwashed into us because women become more powerful or they are most powerful in the second half of their lives, and nothing is more scary to society than a woman who stands in her own power. I think there might be something to that!
Some of us feel a little empty because our children have left. Some of us have built successful careers and are successful, and one day wake up and wonder why they aren't happier. What we all are is busy. So our lives are full, but are they fulfilled? I'm here to tell you that this is by design, and you need to recognize this. There is nothing wrong with you. This is by design. This is what society wants you to do, and your job, your task is to stop giving a f*ck.
The task is ‘Step into your purpose’. Now this isn't a task that you can just do in the course of a video or even a weekend retreat or something. Like most things in life that are worth the effort, it takes continuous, small, daily, unglamorous steps and consistent work. It is, however, very very worth it. Now if you really want to get into discovering your purpose and transforming your life with it, then you need to talk to me, and I'm leaving a link in the description below on how you can do that. It's free. Apart from that, there are, I've identified three steps that you can take today, that'll already make a huge difference. I've written them down.
First, you ask yourself what's important to you. And it's very important to not think of this as something that you ‘should’ do or what you think you should find important, but really, dig deep into your inner feelings. What is actually important to you? And then look for ways to put these things front and center in your life.
The second step is: Ask yourself what brings you joy. And again, this is not about work, in fact I would say, find something that is completely useless and has no practical application whatsoever. It might even be a bit embarrassing, but you love it, it makes you smile, it makes you feel blissful. And then go and schedule regular times to do these things, right? Make space in your schedule to do something that you love and that doesn't serve any practical purpose.
And the third step is: Who lifts you up? What people in your life make you feel great whenever you see them? The step is to reach out and connect with them. Suggest something that you can do together, places you can go, right? Surround yourself more with these people that make you feel great, and make it intentional, make an effort to reach out, because you know what it is, we all say: “Oh yeah, we have to catch up,” and then it never happens. Make it happen. This is your third step.
I would suggest that you save these questions somewhere, this video, right, save these and revisit them every single week. And if you do that every week, you will watch your life transform in front of your eyes.
Let me know
And that brings me to the last point which is as usual ‘Let me know’. Leave a comment below the video or reply to the email that you got the link to the video with, and tell me where you stand on this. Are you at that point in your life where you're 50, or maybe you're 40 or 45, or maybe you're 60 or 70, but you're at that point where you think: ‘Was that all? Shouldn't there be more to life?’ And how do you deal with this, how, what do you think of the three steps? I would love to hear your opinion. As long as you're respectful, you're absolutely free to disagree with me, and I'll reply to every comment, I promise.
And like I said, if you'd like some more, then absolutely check out my website, - you can also sign up and join the Wild Spirits Community there, it's a free, one email per week newsletter, absolutely 100% spam free, where I always include something that is useful information that you don't get anywhere else, so it's actually worth signing up for it. I would love to have you. Have a beautiful week and I'll talk to you soon. Bye!