Routines Are Boring? You’re Doing It Wrong


I’ve spoken about routines in the past, such as morning routines and bedtime routines. They can be such a helpful tool, although they shouldn’t be overdone, of course.

Some people go so far as to say that any routine is boring and indicates a lack of imagination. I very much disagree with this, and your mission today is to learn why routines are great, and how to prevent them from getting boring.

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Task 1: Routines are great!

The world we live in today is full of opportunities, distractions, activities and people. It’s great, but also dangerous because we’re in constant danger of overstimulating our system or attempting to simply do too much. What follows is a constant, vague sense of failure.

Routines take the pressure off some of these challenges. If your morning is set and always happens in a particular order, you won’t have to focus on every little task anymore. This frees up mindspace for the priorities in your life, such as your passion(s).

Routines can also set you up for success. A morning routine makes sure you start off the day on the right foot; a nighttime routine prepares you for restful sleep.

Task 2: How to keep it interesting

If you treat your routine like a chore, chances are it’ll feel like one as well. Or maybe you’re trying to stuff too much into your routines? A morning routine that takes two hours might just be too much of a good thing.

So: In order to create effective routines you won’t get tired of, be realistic. How much time do you really have to spend on your routine? Consider not just regular days, but holidays, days you’ll have to catch an early flight etc. Less is sometimes more.

Also, change your routines up occasionally. This might sound like it defeats the point of a routine, but swapping out individual parts doesn’t throw everything off course and is just enough change to keep it interesting, and you motivated.


Unexpected Effects Of Slowing Down


Vlog: Springtime Renewal