Time-Management Skills to Regain your Focus (what works and what doesn’t)
Time-management skills can help you regain what most of us have lost in the endless bombardment of (mostly online) content snippets: focus! Here's how.
Ditch your To-Do List for a Priorities List
To-Do Lists stress you out? Gain back control over your day by switching to a priorities list. Learn how to do this and feel the stress fall off you.
Why You Get The Value Of Time And Money Wrong
Most people agree that time is more valuable than money, but they act as though they actually valued money more. Here’s how to spot this behaviour in yourself and change it.
Your Laziness May Be Something More
You may think you’re lazy, and that you could do more of the things you love. But there’s actually a good reason why you don’t - and it’s nothing to do with you.
The Matrix Has You - For Real This Time
The Matrix might have been a dystopian movie series, but our reality these days resembles it in part. Here’s how to escape our own homemade Matrix and reclaim our time and lives.
How to Embrace the Terrifying Joy of Choice
Our time in this life is more limited than we like to think. Choosing intentionally is wiser than scratching the surface of a million things, but it also means saying No - a lot.
Don’t Wake Up Early To Get Things Done
Well-meaning self help advice often tells you to get up early in order to get everything done. But if you do this, you're going about it the wrong way. Here's what to do instead to get efficient.
Life Hack: The Half-Hour Unplug
Want to be able to switch off after work, maximise your free time and feel energised to do what you love? Try this simple method to avoid wasting your evenings in front of the TV or social media.
Use Unstructured Time To Promote Joy
If you want to make space for things you enjoy, strict time management and discipline are counterproductive. Unstructured time is the way to go.
Why Is Everyone Rushed Off Their Feet?
We’re constantly busy, although our lives are so much easier than they used to be. What happened to us? This article explores the reasons for, and the way out of our stress addiction.
No More To-do Lists: Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity
Increase productivity whilst actually reducing stress - is that even possible? Yes it is, and here's how you achieve this. Chill guaranteed!
What Will You No Longer Settle For?
What will you no longer settle for? Are you making do in any area? Let me guide you through a gentle evaluation and course correction.
How To Deal With Multiple Passions
How to deal with multiple passions when you're busy as it is? Let me show you how to handle multiple passions in your life and your work.
Make Time For Your Passions With A Full-Time Job
Make time for your passions although you work full-time - no, it doesn't require cramming even more into your schedule! Do this instead.
The Magic Of Outsourcing
The magic of outsourcing is that it reduces the "normal" overwhelm of modern life to a level where you'll have space to do what you love.
The 1 Shift You Need To Spend More Time On Your Passion
To spend more time on your passion, you don't need motivation or discipline. It only takes 1 shift - here, you'll learn how to do it.
Never Fail At Time Management Again
Do you fail at time management? Maybe it's time to stop beating yourself up. Here's an alternative way - side effects include happiness!
The Real Reason Why You’re Too Damn Busy For Your Passion
I'm just too busy! This is everyone's explanation for why they don't do more of what lights them up. It doesn't have to be this way.
How to Handle the Flood of Knowledge
The flood of knowledge all around can be daunting. How do you keep all the information organised to optimise your passion(s)?